Friday 25 January 2013

Spiked Lita dupe!

Hey guys, I'm in a review mood, so I decided to just do a quick review and chat about these sexy spiked lita dupes! First, these are the velvet design, and if you can't tell already, YES they are spiked!  facepalm for horrible webcam quality :cc
So, on terms of comfort I give these 10/10. It's weird that these are so comfy! If you are going to buy a dupe of a platform, I suggest you get a half size smaller than your actual size, because mine are a tad bit more roomy than I need, not that it makes them undesirable but it's just a tip. The lacing on the shoes are to die for, to be honest. 
I'm head over heels, for them. :3 I adore the fact that I can make the topline (the part around your ankles) tight, because it really does make it ten times more comfortable. These are a bit wobbly, but it just takes some getting used to! 
I got these in a buy one get one half off, and I got a pair of army boots. If I remember correctly, I got the platforms for 45, and the army boots for 20, or 30. Anyways, I can't wait until the warm weather comes, so I can wear these plats with a bad ass dress! :*    

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